Sunday, May 23, 2010

The weather has been insane. It is probably why everything has been blooming so well and growing like crazy. However, we finished all the projects today before the temp dropped down to the low 60's and got too cold to work outside. Yes you heard me, it was too cold in Vegas in May to work outside.

Last year when we got our table, my in-laws gave us their old umbrella for our table. It has survived a lot of things, but apparently, this wind we have been having finally killed it. So next weekend we are going to replace this broken one with this one with solar lighting in the ribbing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Randi,it's Candie, I mean Candy...Your Daddd is just the smartest guy in the whole wide world......We should get together and reall give him a great Father's Day present, like a new electric car!!!.....I, I mean he, would really like that....